Green Success Stories

Balancing Innovation and Regulation in Making the Apparel Industry More Sustainable

Green Success Stories sat down with Sarah Shepard, Senior Sustainability Quality Manager at Edwards Garment. We discussed their commitment to sustainability in the apparel industry, their quantifiable approach to meeting objectives, their innovative efforts including using recycled materials in the uniforms they make, their optimization of manufacturing and logistics toward minimizing waste and energy consumption, and in general their hope for a more sustainable future in which organizations manage the delicate interplay between innovation and regulation.

Tell us a bit about your sustainability journey.

At Edwards Garment, sustainability is fundamental to our business values, shaping our practices and decisions. In May 2018, we advanced our commitment by joining Cascale, a coalition of nearly 300 global brands, retailers, and related organizations dedicated to enhancing sustainability within the apparel and textile industries. Our membership in Cascale reflects our dedication to driving positive change across our supply chain and setting new industry standards for sustainability.

Our engagement with Cascale emphasizes our long-term commitment to building a more sustainable future. We utilize the Higg Index, a sustainability measurement tool, to evaluate and enhance our environmental and social responsibility efforts. This tool allows us to monitor our progress and ensure that every aspect of our supply chain aligns with our sustainability objectives. Our focus is not just on present outcomes but on shaping a more sustainable future for the apparel industry.

Tell us a bit about the product or solution you offer.

At Edwards Garment, we understand that each brand has a unique identity. That’s why we offer a wide range of high-quality custom uniforms and image apparel to enhance professional brands. Whether you need ready-to-ship options for quick turnaround or fully customized uniforms that reflect your brand’s unique image, our solutions are tailored to your needs. We don’t just provide products; we reflect your brand’s identity.

Founded in 1867, Edwards Garment is not just a company but a legacy. We are a leading full-service provider of uniform solutions, and our extensive experience and steadfast commitment ensure that businesses of all sizes receive products that seamlessly blend style, comfort, and functionality. Our long-standing presence in the industry is a testament to our reliability, allowing us to build long-lasting partnerships with our clients. When you choose Edwards Garment, you choose a company with a proven track record of excellence.

We serve diverse industries, including assisted living, non-clinical healthcare, private security, transit, food service, hospitality, retail, and large-scale events such as theme parks, stadiums, and arenas. We aim to ensure that individuals look their best and feel confident and engaged in their professional attire.

Share a green success story with us – how have you helped customers or other businesses in the fight against climate change?

We are committed to building a sustainable supply chain that ensures the longevity of our garments and reduces our products’ environmental impact. Our collaboration with eco-conscious clients who share our commitment to environmental responsibility is a significant achievement in our sustainability efforts.

For example, we have partnered with various organizations to offer uniforms made from recycled materials. This initiative has helped reduce the demand for virgin resources and lower carbon emissions. By optimizing our manufacturing processes and logistics, we have minimized waste and energy consumption, contributing to a more sustainable future.

Through these initiatives, we assist our clients in achieving their sustainability goals while actively participating in the global fight against climate change. Our commitment to preserving natural resources remains steadfast, and we continue to refine our practices to protect the planet for future generations.

What would you do with $1 billion dollars?

While the prospect of a larger budget offers the potential for greater impact, the true power to effect change lies in the cumulative impact of individual actions. With $1 billion, I would focus on amplifying this principle by investing in initiatives that empower individuals to make meaningful community contributions.

In my current role, for example, I can donate second-quality products to organizations that resell them to fund education programs and create opportunities for those in need. With a larger budget, I would expand this effort, forming additional partnerships with organizations worldwide and supporting programs that provide individuals with the skills, education, and employment opportunities they need to succeed. This approach addresses immediate needs and fosters long-term sustainable change.

What do you envision your industry looking like in ten years?

Looking ahead, I see both opportunities and challenges shaping the future of my industry. On the one hand, I am optimistic about the innovations in sustainability that are on the horizon. Advances in materials, processes, and technology will likely enable the creation of products with significantly reduced environmental impact, meeting the increasing demand for eco-friendly solutions. The integration of AI has the potential to revolutionize everything from design and production to supply chain management, making our industry more efficient and responsive to evolving consumer needs.

However, I am also aware of the potential challenges posed by increased regulatory oversight. While regulation is essential to maintaining industry standards and protecting the environment, it can sometimes become overly restrictive, potentially stifling innovation or raising business costs. Successfully navigating this future will require a careful balance between embracing innovation and adhering to necessary regulations.

I envision a more sustainable, technologically advanced, and adaptable industry in ten years. Achieving this vision will depend on our ability to manage the delicate interplay between innovation and regulation.

What would you like readers to take away from this article?

I hope readers recognize that every individual can effect meaningful change through their choices, whether personally, within their communities, or in their profession. No matter how small, every decision contributes to a broader impact that can drive positive change. We can significantly shape a better future by being deliberate and thoughtful in our actions.

How should readers get in touch with you and/or your organization?

Readers can connect with Edwards Garment through our official website and LinkedIn page. For more information about our products and services, please visit Follow us on LinkedIn or Facebook to stay informed about our latest news and opportunities.


Many thanks to Sarah Shephard and Edwards Garment. Green Success Stories is happy to support and highlight your efforts! We invite you the reader to do the same.

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