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From Seed to Seat: Creating Heirloom Quality Furniture From Teak Reforestation Projects in Nicaragua

Green Success Stories sat down with Aram Terry, Founder and CEO of MasayaCo, makers of modern furniture and ADUs, all handmade from reforested Nicaraguan teak. We discussed their heirloom-quality designs and how their “Seed to Seat” business model, built on sustainable practices, benefits consumers, supports the local economy, and contributes to the fight against climate change.

Tell us a bit about your sustainability journey.

It’s important to understand that MasayaCo, Masaya Homes, and Masaya Teak all began as a reforestation project.  After my Peace Corps assignment in Nicaragua, I wanted to create a business that was both socially and environmentally sustainable. Our reforestation efforts started in 2008, focusing on restoring degraded cattle pastures with sustainably managed forests to combat deforestation and its harmful effects.

In the fight against climate change, we believe it’s crucial to develop alternative land use methods that provide economic benefits while promoting sustainable practices that protect natural resources for future generations.

Deforestation is often simply driven by a farmer’s need to earn an income and feed their families. They clear forests to create pastures because it’s profitable. For reforestation to achieve the same scale, it must also be profitable.

Our “Seed to Seat” business model uses reforestation to create economic viability for people in rural communities. Historically, these areas have relied on land rental agreements for cattle farming and large-scale agriculture.  These practices require clear-cutting and significantly contribute to land degradation and global warming.

Our product line is designed to utilize reforested wood, which has different characteristics from native forest wood.  We aim to use the whole tree, which means the whole harvest from the tree farm including young eight-year-old thinnings. This will make reforestation more viable, profitable, and encourage more people to get involved.

Tell us a bit about the product or solution you offer.

We offer handmade furniture through MasayaCo and prefabricated homes through Masaya Homes. All products are crafted from solid FSC®-certified teak grown on reforestation projects in Nicaragua. Our company mission is to combat climate change through reforestation and sustainable design.

Our products are not just beautiful, heirloom-quality, modern furniture pieces; they are part of an integral cycle of planting and reforestation. Teak is planted on previously degraded land, and as it grows, it captures carbon from the atmosphere, storing it within the wood. Reforestation alsocools and revitalizes the land, helping to mitigate the effects of deforestation. This regenerative approach is what we call our “Seed to Seat” business model.  Additionally, our reforestation projects, which span over 1,300 acres, include 35% native forest reserve, providing a refuge for local flora, fauna, and wildlife species.

Share a green success story with us – how have you helped customers or other businesses in the fight against climate change?

To date, we’ve planted over a million trees on more than 1,300 acres of previously deforested land in Nicaragua. Every time a customer purchases a piece of MasayaCo furniture or a Masaya Homes ADU, they’re not just acquiring a beautiful, handmade, solid teak piece that can be passed down for generations—they’re also making a direct contribution to reforestation efforts in Central America.

We’re not a company that manufactures products in China and donates a small token of our profits to a cause for a tax credit. We are the reforestation project. We grow the trees, germinate the seeds, and manage the entire process from planting and managing to harvesting, milling, designing, and fabricating everything ourselves. As a fully vertically integrated company, purchasing from us means direct participation in sustainable forestry and reforestation efforts, in support of a replenishing cycle of renewable wood use.

What would you do with $1 billion dollars?

If someone gave us $1 billion, we would plant between 800 million to 1 billion trees. I can’t think of a better way to use such a sum. This effort would cover approximately 2.5 million acres and capture around 300 million tonnes of carbon!

We would find immense satisfaction in watching how this would transform the landscape. We’ve never operated at this scale, so it would be fascinating to see how economies of scale could impact tree planting.

Reforesting degraded land is one of the most important actions humans can take to improve the planet’s health. It would be incredible to see how much land could be restored with $1 billion and the profound impact it would have on the environment. You could restore a vast amount of damaged land with that kind of money.

What do you envision your industry looking like in ten years?

We operate in three core industries: Furniture, Construction, and Forestry.

What would you like readers to take away from this article?

We want readers to know that there are fantastic alternatives to the big, well-known furniture brands offering items produced overseas with questionable materials and manufacturing practices.  We hope they learn about our sustainability mission and commitment to reforestation. We also want to highlight the difference between companies that greenwash their products and companies like ours, which are vertically integrated and deeply committed to rethinking the product cycle through a regenerative lens that considers the entire life of the product.

How should readers get in touch with you and/or your organization?


Masaya Homes:

Masaya Teak:


For sales inquiries: or (615)-953-9373

For media inquiries:


Many thanks to Aram Terry and to MasayaCo. Green Success Stories is happy to support and highlight your efforts! We invite you the reader to do the same.

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