Green Success Stories

From Small (Green) Steps to Accumulated Successes

Green Success Stories sat down with Ashutosh Deshpande, Environmental Manager of California Facilities of Grifols. We discussed his growth in sustainability awareness, education, and action, his sustainability professional certification, and his efforts to help companies get ISO certified. Per Ashutosh, journeys begin with small steps and, over time, accumulate to great (green) successes.

Tell us a bit about your sustainability journey.

Every journey starts with small steps and little changes that, over time, can transform into something worth the steps and time invested.

Since I was a child, I have been deeply passionate about building a career in environmental sustainability. I always knew I wanted to pursue something unique and follow my true calling. My parents instilled in me the value of giving my best in every endeavor I undertook. Initially, I viewed energy conservation and resource efficiency as personal actions rather than a professional pursuit, but over time, I came to understand their broader significance. Growing up in a small city in India, I developed a deep affection for exploring bustling urban centers and natural green spaces. Being surrounded by nature brings me an unparalleled sense of peace. This realization has inspired me to work towards safeguarding the natural beauty of our world and preserving it for future generations to cherish and relish.

Fast forward almost a few decades later, and after being involved in several environmental societies, committees, and initiatives, as well as obtaining my ISO auditor and Envision Sustainability Professional certifications, my passion for the environment has grown stronger. I worked on various projects to understand how they can be sustainable and achieve the desired sustainability rating. I have also actively sought knowledge from various forums, websites, and courses to understand what companies are doing and how I can contribute to bringing about change in the way we do things. Looking back, I feel privileged to have been offered a career in the ‘Environmental Industry.’ I feel blessed to work in an industry that allows me to travel as part of projects. The story wouldn’t be complete without expressing my gratitude to everyone who has supported my career choice and encouraged me to make a difference, especially my family, teachers, friends, and colleagues. Ultimately, it’s about creating a lifestyle that aligns with the values of care for the planet and future generations.

Tell us a bit about the product or solution you offer.

I am certified as an ISO 14001 lead auditor, Qualified Industrial Stormwater Practitioner, and Envision Sustainability Professional. I assist companies in complying with environmental regulations, obtaining ISO certification, and achieving a sustainability rating. Additionally, I have authored numerous research articles on topics such as green buildings and waste management, the full texts of which are available on my ResearchGate profile.

Share a green success story with us – how have you helped customers or other businesses in the fight against climate change?

During my bachelor’s thesis work, I encountered a fascinating story. Leftover food from our hostels was causing a foul odor due to various factors. My team and I traveled over 80 miles to purchase worms and organic materials from a small village farmer to address this issue. We set up vermicompost pits on our hostel campus to treat and utilize the waste for horticulture. Witnessing the success of this project filled me with pride.

In the last decade, I joined a few local groups and volunteered for their activities on climate change. We held some meetups in person and online to prepare an agenda for spreading awareness. These organizations have grown significantly, from barely 5 to 6 people to almost 50+ people, and more people are showing interest in climate change.

What would you do with $1 billion dollars?

Climate adaptation is becoming more expensive as the magnitude of climate change sets in. According to the United Nations Environment Programme, countries may need to spend up to $300 billion a year by 2030 and $500 billion by 2050.

Most people are familiar with the name HP or Hewlett-Packard. The Packards became billionaires and established the Packard Foundation, endowing it generously. The foundation has dedicated substantial resources to combatting climate change for many years, showing a steadfast commitment to making a meaningful impact. In December 2017, the foundation publicly announced a $600 million commitment to fight climate change. Furthermore, they rallied with other philanthropic organizations and individuals to create a 4-billion-dollar fund aimed solely at addressing the challenges of climate change. The preservation and restoration of forests play a crucial role in maintaining climate stability, with the potential to reduce the world’s net carbon emissions by up to 30 percent. Surprisingly, currently, only slightly more than 1 percent of global climate mitigation-related development funding is allocated to forest and land mitigation strategies.

With one billion dollars as a climate scientist, I would follow the Packards. I would focus on a multi-pronged approach that addresses both climate mitigation and adaptation while supporting innovation and empowering communities. Here’s how I might allocate the funds:

1. Research and Development (R&D) in Clean Energy

 Invest in R&D for scalable, affordable clean energy technologies like advanced solar, wind, and energy storage systems. This would also include research into next-generation nuclear fusion and improving the efficiency of existing renewable sources. Support the development of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies, as well as innovative carbon sequestration methods like enhanced weathering and biochar.

2. Climate Adaptation Projects

Fund projects aimed at helping vulnerable regions adapt to climate change. This could include flood defenses, drought-resistant agriculture, and climate-resilient infrastructure in developing countries. Focus on areas with high climate risks, like coastal regions or countries already facing severe climate-related disasters.

3. Nature-Based Solutions and Conservation

Invest in reforestation, afforestation, and wetland restoration projects, as these ecosystems act as natural carbon sinks. Support conservation efforts that protect biodiversity and restore degraded ecosystems, which can both mitigate and help adapt to climate change.

4. Education and Community Empowerment

Fund global education programs focused on climate literacy, particularly in underserved and vulnerable communities. Public awareness and education are key to grassroots climate action. Empower local communities with small grants for local climate action projects like solar microgrids, community gardens, and clean water initiatives.

5. Innovative Financing for Climate Solutions

Create a climate venture fund to invest in startups that are developing innovative climate solutions, particularly in areas like agriculture, energy, and materials science. Offer grants or low-interest loans to businesses and entrepreneurs working on sustainable technologies or practices.

By distributing the funds across these areas, the aim would be to address both the root causes of climate change (mitigation) and prepare for its impacts (adaptation), while fostering global cooperation and innovation for long-term resilience.

What do you envision your industry looking like in ten years?

The sustainability industry is on the brink of remarkable transformation in the upcoming decade. There will be a heightened focus on sustainability education and workforce development, leading to a surge in demand for sustainability professionals across various industries. I envision the environmental industry as an integral, vibrant part of society, with sustainability at its core. Renewable energy sources like solar and wind will take center stage, powering homes and businesses efficiently. Innovations in technology, such as smart grids and energy storage, will enhance energy management and reduce waste. Circular economy practices will be widely embraced, with products designed for longevity, reuse, and recyclability. Communities will prioritize green infrastructure, such as urban gardens and eco-friendly public transport, to enhance air quality and biodiversity. Additionally, there will be a stronger emphasis on social equity in environmental initiatives, ensuring that all communities have access to clean air, water, and green spaces. Education and awareness will play a pivotal role in empowering individuals to make informed choices and actively participate in local sustainability efforts. Ultimately, I envision a collaborative approach where governments, businesses, and individuals work together toward a healthier planet.

What would you like readers to take away from this article?

There is still time to take this seriously and work towards it before it’s too late. I don’t want people to make significant changes. As I said earlier, start with small steps, and in some time, you won’t believe how far you have come in the journey. I’d want readers to come away feeling inspired and empowered to embrace sustainability in their everyday lives. It’s important for them to recognize that small, intentional changes can have a big impact over time. I’d also like to highlight the importance of community and collaboration in this journey, encouraging readers to share ideas and support one another. Ultimately, the key takeaway should be that adopting a greener lifestyle is not just a personal choice, but a collective movement toward a healthier planet for future generations.

How should readers get in touch with you and/or your organization?

I am available via email at, or feel free to connect on LinkedIn.


Many thanks to Ashutosh Desphande and to Grifols.

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