Green Success Stories

More on The Story of More (and More to Come)

Green Success Stories just finished reading The Story of More by Hope Jahren.

(It’s overdue at the library, by the way, but we’re holding on to it for a little more. Apologies to the library, but we want to stay with it longer. Then we’re just gonna buy it.)

The Story of More is one of the seminal books in the literature of sustainability. It’s beautifully written, and leaves you thinking, more and more, about more. Many of the stories she tells in it resonate (as Green Success Stories can tell you, stories resonate).

The basic premise is that modern humankind, especially lately, has been on a trajectory of exponential growth, exponential more, in many ways. Population. Production. Consumption. Pollution. More and more we’ve been unwittingly or unconscionably messing around with nature, using nature as a dumping ground. We’ve been impacting the environment around us, more and more, until we’ve gotten ourselves into more more more scary climate situations.

(More more more, too much more).

Take a look at her Environmental Catechism, in which she lists the “mores” of our exponential growth:

It includes figures such as:

We’re in a state of more, that’s affecting us more and more.

We need to talk more about how to make things better.

Next time: There is Hope – Hope Jahren’s Action Guide


In the meantime, here’s the full

Environmental Catechism (from The Story of More)

GLOBALLY, since 1969… [and as of publication in March 2020:]

Still More

And here’s some more from Hope Jahren herself:

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Green Success Stories is a media platform that highlights leaders in sustainability and climate tech.

We offer professional writing (articles, blogposts, case studies, and more) combined with social media promotion. You get great content + exponential publicity. As a starting offer, we’d like to feature you and your organization in a FREE PROFILE ARTICLE. There’s no obligation, but we’d appreciate you considering our services. Let us know if you’re interested and we’ll share more information.

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