Green Success Stories

Attention Perfectionists!

Must you straighten that picture?

OK, we get that things need to be just so – but just so you know, things can still work quite well and not be perfect.

In fact, perfection is an elusive goal that sometimes hinders motion in the right direction.

What’s all this have to do with climate change?

Well, the truth is there are give and takes in this world, and choices aren’t always perfectly clear cut.

You want to drive an electric vehicle, great, but generating that electricity to power that vehicle likely involves some degree of burning of fossil fuel.

And still, an EV on the road will certainly be better for the environment than that exhaust belcher that’s got everyone on I-95 coughing.

There are many great solutions out there, and many green success stories. And taken in unison, they will have great effect. But there is no one perfect method to fix it all.

Similarly, it’s ok not to be perfect in personal environmental choices.

We do not need to be ecoperfectionists to be on the right side of the fight against climate change.

Sure, striving toward perfection is frequently admirable. But doing what we can, imperfectly, while trying to do more of the right thing , is really perfectly fine.

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