Green Success Stories

Diving Deep Into Blue Tech and the Blue Economy

Going Green is excited to invite Gregory Delaune of the Deep Blue Institute onto the Going Green podcast. Prior to coming on the show, we wanted to chat with Gregory and learn more about what he is doing at the Deep Blue Institute, and how he got involved in sustainability. Gregory, thanks for being here and diving deep into blue tech with us.

Tell us a little about Deep Blue Institute

Deep Blue Institute is a non-profit Blue Tech / Blue Economy development organization. We unite entrepreneurs, grassroots organizations, and local government through public-private partnerships for environmentally regenerative technology deployment that supports sustainable economic development, resilient communities, and Disaster Risk Reduction.

Tell us about your role at Deep Blue:

I am leading the combined efforts of Deep Blue to diversify the regional economy of Louisiana (and the Gulf of Mexico) beyond petroleum and tourism, towards Regenerative Marine Infrastructure deployment, for which demand will explode globally in coming decades.

How did you get involved in the sustainable industry?

I have 20 years of international urban planning and sustainable economic development experience, focusing on Green Tech / Cleantech incubation & acceleration, community engagement, and Smart City strategic planning. My experience with floating cities and regenerative marine infrastructure has me focused on how these system-scale technologies will transform regional and global economies.

Greg Delaune, the Co-Founder of Deep Blue Institute

What trends are you seeing in your industry?

Countries like France have already fully committed to a shift towards Blue Economy development. Blue Tech and the associated promise of regenerative aquaculture/mariculture techniques hold the promise of sustainable solution sets for low-lying coastal communities and island nations at risk of annihilation from the associated impacts of climate change and rising sea levels.

What is one “Action Item” the viewers can take away from this conversation?

Become a Deep Blue Institute Partner today; as a Blue Tech Startup, mentor, advisor, and/or donor. We would like you to join our growing community of top Blue Tech engineers, entrepreneurs, and startup teams who are dedicated to the critical work of accelerating rapid prototype development, deployment, and scaling of critical solution sets utilizing the vast living laboratory of the Louisiana estuary region and/or strategic locations within the Mississippi watershed.

Thank you Gregory for taking the time and diving deep into blue tech and the blue economy.

Going Green interviews leading experts in cleantech, sustainability, media, finance, and real estate on the Going Green podcast. Tune in and subscribe to the podcast on Apple or Spotify to listen to interviews with leading cleantech and sustainable experts. If you would like to to be featured on Going Green, fill out the interview form Here. If you are interested in writing for Going Green, click Here.

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