Browsing: Tech

Green Success Stories sat down with Jason and Jaime Curtis, co-founders of Option Zero, a climate-focused software development consultancy they run as a husband-wife team. They describe their journey growing their skills at a variety of companies from climate-focused to not, and from tiny startup to Fortune 500, while struggling with life balance. Having developed their unique sets of skills, they realized that their traditional jobs weren’t making the best use of those skills towards climate impact, or their time as a family.  Developing and running Option Zero has enabled them now to lead a life of enhanced connection, meaning, and impact.

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Green Success Stories puts Bridgid O’Connell, Marine Science and Technology Fellow at Seaside Sustainability, in the Green Spotlight. We discussed Bridgid’s hands-on educational and community outreach programs to clean up coastlines and enhance aquatic ecosystems, the use of “BlueTech” devices such as the PixieDrone, the building of coalitions toward local and global coastal cleanup, and more.

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Green Success Stories puts Maksym Sushchuk, Senior Content Writer of EOS Data Analytics, in the Green Spotlight. EOSDA is a Ukranian firm that provides satellite-based solutions for decision making in agritech and environmental management. We discussed the sustainability success stories of EOSDA, especially in light of the war, and how despite it all their team keeps faith in the common good, even in the face of so much tragedy.

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