Green Success Stories

Bigger Focus on Forests for Healthier, Future Generations

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It’s no secret that our dependence on fossil fuels is unsustainable. In order to offset our continued consumption of nonrenewable resources, we need better solutions for capturing carbon. That’s why we want to share the benefits of trees and the role they play in a net-zero world. Read more about how you can save the environment, one tree at a time!

Did you know trees can help reduce energy consumption?

With more than 100 million acres of forest in the United States alone, trees significantly contribute to environmental impact. They promote cleaner air, better water retention, and more shaded areas. More trees translates into lower heating and cooling costs, because of the sheltering effect they have in homes and neighborhoods. In the U.S. alone, energy efficiency is a $1 trillion market. To find the most simple savings, one of the easiest things you can do is plant a tree! Trees are a great addition to your home’s energy efficiency and provide a whole host of other benefits.

Trees are the best solution for carbon capture and creating a net-zero world

Every tree helps absorb carbon dioxide. This can be especially valuable in places that don’t have consistent weather systems or poor air quality

Put trees to work for you! Many businesses and individuals are working with companies like Pachama to invest in reforestation and forest conservation projects. By using technology like radar and artificial intelligence, experts are able to understand how much of a carbon offset your investment is producing (e.g. how much CO2 uptake and how much O2 release). This is particularly helpful in a future of carbon markets, where individuals and businesses pay for the price of their carbon footprint.

What Type of Trees Should You Plant?

Trees are the solution to the energy crisis, but planting the right tree for the right space is a critical part of being eco-conscious. For instance, tree species that are more dense can be great for creating walkway canopies and urban forests. The more plants in a city environment, the better the air quality! Urban green roofs are also an excellent option for bringing more biomass to the cityscape. The benefits of planting trees in cities is an extensive list:

Forests and the Future of Carbon Markets

Investing in trees and planting them in your yard may seem like an unlikely way to save the planet, but never underestimate the power of plants! If you are a business, you now have the opportunity to be a key player in carbon markets by investing in forest conservatAdditionally, research shows that the vast majority of trees planted to shade and cool your home can actually save you money. In fact, the University of California, Berkeley found that trees can save homeowners up to 40% on their energy bills.

river between green leafed tree

Green Success Stories is a television show, podcast, social media, and news platform, hosted by Dylan Welch, that highlights climate change scientists, renewable energy experts, and clean tech entrepreneurs by giving them a voice in the mainstream media. The Green podcast highlights leading experts in cleantech, sustainability, media, finance, and real estate. Tune in and subscribe to the podcast on Apple or Spotify to listen to interviews with leading cleantech and sustainable experts. If you are interested in being featured on Green, click HERE.

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