Green Success Stories

Using Technology To Connect Everything Around Us

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Photo by Burak The Weekender on

Raj Tadepalli, Founder & CTO of Ecavia, shares how they are working on cutting edge electrification, connectivity and intelligent mobility solutions, building on years of technology and product development expertise in mobility, energy and aerospace industries. 

Raj, thanks for being here. Tell us a little bit about you and your background:

I am the Founder & CTO at Ecavia, a UK based SME providing Electrification, Connectivity and Intelligent Mobility solutions and strategic consulting . I have a background of almost two decades in research and product development across Energy, Transportation and ICT industries and have been a close witness to the rapid advances in these industries, their interplay, opportunities and challenges.

What is a fun fact about you?

I sign up for more online learning courses than I can ever finish but have great fun delving into various topics in my free time ranging from cinematography to art and ancient literature – I am fascinated by the philosophy of ancient peoples all around the world and it makes me often wonder if we are devolving rather than evolving!

Why do you think climate change and sustainability is such an important topic today?

I think we owe it to the future generations of people on this planet , i.e. not just the children of this generation but people that will come to be, decades or centuries from now, so they too can enjoy the resources and beauty of this wonderful planet. And I believe we are the better equipped generation to address these societal challenges and it is no wonder there is increasing recognition of the unprecedented, rapid and nonlinear climate change and the importance of being sustainable in everything we build.

What do you envision your industry looking like 10 years from now?

We are in a truly transformational decade and if we succeed in not blowing each other up in totally needless and insensible wars , we can have the happy coming together of diverse technologies and purposes to solve some pressing global sustainability problems. I can see see unanticipated collapsing of key industries, mostly into each other, influencing each other in very unpredictable ways creating both challenges and opportunities and in some cases total obliteration of entire market segments. Whatever form it may take, all industries will be influenced by rapid and mass electrification drives, cheaper high power compute and high bandwidth low latency connectivity.

What can the average person do to make a difference?

I truly think more than anything else, a greater emphasis on one’s own lived philosophy and soft skills will come into sharp focus, this is something we often blindsight. For example, the rapid penetration of AI into every aspect of human life is both disconcerting and yet exhilarating. I think everyone of us can benefit by focussing on our own personal sphere of influence to navigate these tech driven changes. Afterall, our lifestyle choices are the outcome of our lived philosophy and human sustainability itself depends on those choices.

Raj, thank you for sharing how you are working on technology to connect the energy and aerospace industries. 

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