As the 2025 Major League Baseball season begins, let’s cheer on some of its latest sustainability initiatives. Root root root for the green team.
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The author of Silent Spring would surely welcome your active involvement in studying and fighting the damage caused by pesticides, and in steering the EPA back to its mission.
Green Success Stories puts Dr. Moshiel Biton, CEO and Foundor of Addionics LTD, in The Green Spotlight. Dr. Biton describes the critical role batteries play in the global decarbonization effort, and the great strides Addionics has made in improving rechargeable battery architecture while reducing cost and adding capacity. He encourages readers to drive meaningful change and engage in efforts that create real and lasting impact, in green energy, healthcare, education or any other field – push boundaries and follow your vision.
Green Success Stories puts Giuseppe Dal Prá, Founder and CEO of The Odyssean Institute, into the Green Spotlight. Giuseppe describes his call to public service and his duty to innovate institutions scientifically and democratically to combat impending climate catastrophe. He expands on the work of The Odyssean Institute which he founded and leads, including the methodologies they use to empower the public toward climate action.
To those who work to keep this planet green, we offer words to let you know you are seen.
Green Success Stories shines the Green Spotlight on Inna Braverman, CEO and Founder of Eco Wave Power. We discussed her post-Chernobyl mission to make this world a better place, the role of wave energy as a largely untapped source of renewable energy, and the innovations of EWP that make wave energy cost effective, reliable, insurable, and particularly eco-friendly.
Green Success Stories has a lot to be thankful for, especially when we see how many people are doing great things in the fight against climate change. But as Thanksgiving approaches, there’s some sadness in the air. So we present a few sad Thanksgiving truths and what to do about them (and one happy ending!).
Hey Atlas, whatcha got there? Need some help? Thoughts on doing our share in the fight against climate change (and earworms).
Does character matter? Some election night-mare thoughts.
Can the Count be counted on to tackle climate change?
Green Success Stories features a Green Leader Profile interview of Maksym Suschuk, PR lead for EOS Data Analytics. Maksym describes his role of crafting stories of impact that go beyond the surface, talks up big wins for his sustainability driven satellite data-firm, and expresses his belief that every action for the environment has the potential for tremendous impact.
Attention sustainability and climate tech folks. Please keep swinging. Even if you’re in a slump. For losers shall be winners, and green (diamond) successes are sometimes one pitch and one swing away.
You may have heard us say it before. Green Success Stories highlights leaders in sustainability and climate tech. That’s what we do. We highlight green giants. We show off your giant green footsteps. We get others to follow in your lead. So be a part of our community. And let us shine that green light on you and what you do.
Green Success Stories sat down with Aram Terry, Founder and CEO of MasayaCo, makers of modern furniture and ADUs, all handmade from reforested Nicaraguan teak. We discussed their heirloom-quality designs and how their “Seed to Seat” business model, built on sustainable practices, benefits consumers, supports the local economy, and contributes to the fight against climate change.
Green Success Stories puts Kiran Mali of FlipWash in the Green Spotlight. FlipWash presents an eco-friendly, investor-friendly, sustainable solution for car washes, using a wax-based cleaning solution instead of wasting water, at locations directly where consumers are anyways (e.g., parking garages). We discussed the evolution of the FlipWash solution, its benefits to the environment and to the consumer, and their hope for expansion and growth.
Here’s a little ditty about the great wide spectrum of sustainability efforts, and how to get the world to hear your sustainability song.
Last week Green Success Stories talked some more about The Story of More. The author, Hope Jahren also provides a blueprint for getting to “less.” In our opinion, there’s still more to say. More or less.
Green Success Stories takes an appreciative look at Hope Jahren’s seminal book “The Story of More,” the story of our exponential growth in population, production, consumption, and pollution.
Here’s just one of many things she points out to think some more about: The amount of food we waste is equal to or more than the amount of food it would take to adequately feed all of the undernourished people on Earth.
Hope has hope. There’s more we can do.
Words to repeat (or shall we say rePete) – quoting Pete Seeger on recycling and remembering the green success story of his environmental activism.
How much trash do we produce? How did our ancestors deal with it? Where does it go now? How do you make a cool, funny, interesting read about it? All these questions, and more, are answered by Derf Backderf, in his graphic novel Trashed.