Green Success Stories sat down with Tory McBrien-Vranken, Connecticut Program Coordinator for WasteZero. Tory described her sustainability journey, including her shift from individual actions to a systemic approach. As Connecticut Program Coordinator for WasteZero she is leading the way on initiatives that transform how we manage waste—recycling, trash, and food scraps—at a community-wide level, including the Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) solution that can reduce waste by 44%! Tory hopes readers learn that small, systemic changes can have a huge ripple effect in the fight against climate change.
Tell us a bit about your sustainability journey.
My sustainability journey began in environmental education, where I had the privilege of connecting children and communities with nature. It was incredibly rewarding to share knowledge, inspire curiosity, and empower others to feel a sense of ownership in caring for our planet. After the challenges of the COVID-19 lockdowns and returning to graduate school at UConn, my perspective evolved. I shifted from individual actions to thinking about how we can create lasting, systemic change. Now, I work on initiatives that transform how we manage waste—recycling, trash, and food scraps—at a community-wide level. By redesigning these systems, we’re not just reducing waste; we’re creating a ripple effect that impacts entire towns and cities, guiding them toward more sustainable practices. It’s an exciting and deeply meaningful journey, where I can contribute to a future where sustainability is woven into the fabric of everyday life.
Tell us a bit about the product or solution you offer.
At WasteZero, we’re a certified BCorp dedicated to helping towns and cities reduce waste and create more sustainable systems. Municipalities want to make a positive environmental impact while also being mindful of their budgets, and we’re here to partner with them to make that happen. Our flagship program, Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT), transforms how communities pay for trash. Rather than an “invisible” cost buried in taxes, people pay for trash like they do any other utility—based on how much they throw away. This simple shift has been proven to reduce trash by 44% or more in hundreds of communities, by giving people both the awareness and the incentive to recycle, reuse, and reduce their waste. It’s a fairer, more cost-effective system that benefits both individuals and municipalities.
Recently, we’ve taken it a step further by pairing PAYT with co-collection of food scraps. Food scraps make up about 22% of household trash, yet they’re a valuable resource that should never end up in landfills or incinerators. Co-collection allows municipalities to collect food scraps alongside regular trash, without adding extra trucks or increasing carbon emissions. This approach makes it easier, more affordable, and sustainable for communities to capture and divert these scraps, turning waste into a resource.
Share a green success story with us – how have you helped customers or other businesses in the fight against climate change?
Middletown, CT is truly a beacon of sustainability in the state, leading the way with innovative waste management practices. As the first municipality in Connecticut to pair Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) with Co-Collection, they’ve achieved remarkable results in both waste reduction and increased diversion. Since launching their program, Middletown has achieved a 62% waste diversion rate and diverted over 100 tons of food scraps from landfills. This impact is not only transformative for the community but also the environment—equivalent to adding solar panels to every home in the city. It’s a powerful example of how small, systemic changes can have a huge ripple effect in the fight against climate change.
What would you do with $1 billion dollars?
If I had $1 billion, I’d invest it in infrastructure—specifically to support the scaling of innovative recycling technologies. While there’s incredible progress being made in developing new solutions, the real challenge is implementing and scaling them effectively. With that kind of investment, I’d focus on creating regional systems that improve efficiency and drive us closer to a circular economy—where nothing is truly wasted. It’s about building the infrastructure that can turn today’s waste into tomorrow’s resources, creating a more sustainable future for all
What do you envision your industry looking like in ten years?
In 10 years, I envision a complete paradigm shift in how we view waste. If Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) becomes the norm across the country, trash will no longer be seen as a nuisance to discard, but as a valuable resource. This shift would drive greater accountability and spark improvements in recycling and collection technologies. Co-Collection, where materials are source-separated at home into distinct bags and then efficiently sorted at a facility, holds incredible potential. It could enable us to separate and recycle materials in a more practical, carbon-efficient way—ultimately creating a more sustainable and circular system for managing our resources.
What would you like readers to take away from this article?
I hope readers walk away with a deeper understanding of the powerful impact of Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT)—a proven solution that can reduce waste by 44%! I also want them to recognize how successful PAYT has been in New England, with over 500 towns and cities already implementing the program. Connecticut is leading the charge in Co-Collection, with Middletown setting an inspiring example. Most importantly, I want readers to know that this change is not only possible, it’s already happening. There are countless ways to bring these solutions to your own community, and we’re here to help. If you’re ready to take the next step toward a more sustainable future, reach out—we can help you make it happen!
How should readers get in touch with you and/or your organization?
Email: [email protected]
Many thanks to Tory McBrien-Vranken and WasteZero. Green Success Stories is happy to support and highlight your efforts! We invite you the reader to do the same.
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