Green Success Stories sat down with David McDougall of McDougall Energy Advisors. We discussed the challenges and opportunities he has undertaken to effect meaningful change and bring about a low carbon future. David discusses his efforts to help organizations reduce consumption of fossil fuel and move toward renewable energy, and points to smart planning as the means toward future payback of a zero carbon future.
Tell us a bit about your sustainability journey.
I have a diverse background in engineering, leadership, operations, and sales but I’ve dedicated the last 15+ years helping enable clean energy technologies and actions that would produce cost-effective and impactful change.
Tell us a bit about the product or solution you offer.
I am currently a Net Zero consultant helping organization plan and execute a low carbon future. I am an engineer with experience in clean energy, sustainability and energy efficiency so I can help organizations navigate carbon reductions in both efficiency and clean energy.
Share a green success story with us – how have you helped customers or other businesses in the fight against climate change?
I have been helping Munters meet their Net Zero goals for a new flagship factory they are building. With my support, they have just won the Mass Save Climate Leadership award. Much of what I have done for Munters is finding energy efficient solutions to factory equipment and reduce consumption. My goal is to have the net effect pay my costs. For Munters, we are targeting a 35% overall annual energy reduction and have earned over $1M in utility incentives. Much of what I supportive was innovative. For example, we will have occupancy sensors on each light and they will dynamically adjust every 2 minutes to the what they detect. This will improve save 40% over a very efficient original design. We’re adding 2.8MWs of rooftop solar which reduces carbon emissions and lowers the cost of electricity.
This high tech paint booth will save over 90% of the heating energy which equals 2.3M KWhs per year.
What would you do with $1 billion dollars?
I would start clean energy fund focused on decarbonized heat, carbon capture, and a revolving energy efficiency loan program.
What do you envision your industry looking like in ten years?
In 10 years, customers will know that there are many cost effective ways to decarbonize, but will still need help choosing the right technology. Most new buildings will be fully electrified and many will have alternative fuel heating sources. Renewables will extend beyond solar to include distributed wind and small scale nuclear. Battery storage will be cost effective and reliable. Carbon capture will be much more available for addressing existing fossil gas equipment.
What would you like readers to take away from this article?
There’s still a lot of mystery to decarbonization but the key to success involves good planning. Just electrifying costs too much in operating costs. A smart decarbonization plan will pay back in time and provide a smooth path to a zero carbon future.
How should readers get in touch with you and/or your organization?
They can email me at dave@
Many thanks to David McDougall and McDougall Energy Advisors. Green Success Stories is happy to support and highlight your efforts! We invite you the reader to do the same.
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