Tell us a little bit about you, your background, and your current role:
My name is Karthik Krishna and I am based out of Golden, Colorado. Throughout my career, I have worked in energy, academia, and hospitality industries – with KKrish Energy, I am looking to uniquely combine all three of those sectors!
KKrish is being built combining my personal experiences along with great support from University of Colorado, Colorado Springs (UCCS). We are excited to be collaborating on three projects undertaken with UCCS (including both market positioning and solution development areas) this year.
As the founder of KKrish Energy, I have pulled from my experience to create a framework for KKrish audits, America’s first holistic certification system for environmentally conscious hospitality businesses.
What is a fun fact about you?
I love dancing and hiking 14ers (mountains higher than 14,000 feet) in Colorado.
Why do you think climate change and sustainability is such an important topic today?
My thinking and actions are to further sustainable development as per tenets laid down by Brundtland Commission convened in 1983: we need to meet the needs of present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
KKrish’s approach is also based off tenants from 1983, as well as principals from the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Sustainable Management program. We measure sustainability performance using our unique Pentagon scoring system that includes metrics covering multiple key dimensions, including often-neglected ones like materials use and recovery.

What do you envision your industry looking like 10 years from now?
With KKrish Peacock Ratings, I envision widespread adoption of holistic sustainability metrics and clear signals for consumers to make decisions based on sustainability performance of products and services. Our ratings are based on highest achievable market sustainability practices as the benchmark.

What can the average person do to make a difference?
Start with being armed with right information and discussion forums; make purchase decisions with sustainability in mind!
Kkrish is currently seeking development partners and early adopters – if you are interested in learning more about how your organization can make a difference, visit our website –!

Green Success Stories is a television show, podcast, social media, and news platform, hosted by Dylan Welch, that highlights climate change scientists, renewable energy experts, and clean tech entrepreneurs by giving them a voice in the mainstream media. The Green podcast highlights leading experts in cleantech, sustainability, media, finance, and real estate. Tune in and subscribe to the podcast on Apple or Spotify to listen to interviews with leading cleantech and sustainable experts. If you are interested in being featured on Green, click HERE.