Green Success Stories

5 Easy Ways You Can Save the Environment: Ideas to Start Today

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The environment is slowly being destroyed by pollution. It’s important to be aware of our actions that contribute to this problem, as well as the actions we can take to save the planet. Here 5 Easy Ways You Can Save the Environment: Ideas to Start Today.


person hands on assorted color plastic lid lot
Photo by Krizjohn Rosales on

If you’re using a computer, it’s likely that some of the materials you use are available in recycled packaging. From plastic cups and steel cans to cardboard boxes, you can easily save the environment by recycling. If you can’t find all of the materials, there are a few simple ways to make your recycling easier. You can make use of a dry eraser to eliminate the need for a wet eraser when erasing with a pen. Additionally, you can make your own scrap paper with a piece of cardboard. Don’t know how to make scrap paper? Try using a recycled note or business card from the company you work for. Buy Furniture Made From Recycled Materials: Even if you purchase furniture from a store, it’s always a good idea to check the label to ensure that the pieces are made from recycled materials.

Turn off lights

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Keep an eye on how much electricity you use, and try to go off of electricity whenever possible. You can save money, and help the environment, by using battery banks and solar panels to charge your phone or electronics. Use reusable coffee cups and cutlery We all know to recycle, but those little sips add up. When at the bar, opt for paper straws and stainless steel or glass utensils instead of styrofoam. At home, fill up your cup and mug after each one. Go through and see which ones you don’t use or need anymore, and stash them in a cupboard. Limit use of air conditioning Almost everyone has a room or office with an air conditioning unit, and while there’s nothing wrong with turning them on at the end of the day, using them all day long is not healthy for your health.

Buy energy-efficient appliances

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It’s easy to waste electricity by not properly using our appliances. Not only does this waste energy, but it can also be dangerous for our bodies. Buying energy-efficient appliances such as lightbulbs, compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFL), or solar panels can cut back on this extra electricity being used. Use a “green” cleaning product Cleaning products are made from chemicals that can cause some serious side effects in our bodies and environment. By using a green cleaning product, you are helping to eliminate those chemicals from our lives. There are also many products out there that use natural ingredients that are safer for the environment.

Buy recycled materials

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Recycling plastic is important for a number of reasons, the first of which is that it helps the environment. Our society has become accustomed to eating processed foods and using plastic. As a result, we’ve created a plastic-enriched environment. We need to use up the items we already have before we buy new ones. This will allow us to decrease waste going into the environment. Another reason recycling plastic is important is because it allows manufacturers to use more plastic to make the same thing. Instead of creating different colors and combinations, they can use one color and make it a “plastic” so that the companies can use the same type of plastic to make more of the product. This gives the manufacturer more incentive to produce more and sell more of the product.

Plant trees around your home and office

Photo by Johannes Plenio on

If you want to start saving the environment, then you should consider planting trees in your own home and around your office. Planting trees around your home will help you keep the natural environment at its best by absorbing CO2 and fighting global warming. If you have a small roof then it’s even better for you to plant trees there. Use of recyclable cups This is the most effective way you can help the environment. Plastic cups can easily be recycled, which is really important since they’re being sent to landfill sites. You can easily recycle them, even at home, by using the green recycling box. Simply break the cup down into smaller pieces, such as cans, bottles, glass and cardboard, before throwing it into the green recycling box.

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