Green Success Stories

Green Success Stories Teams Up With Wildlife Collections

Green Success Stories is always looking for new innovative companies that are doing exciting things to help the planet. We came across their social media channels through their striking imagery and ambitious goals to protect wildlife by selling bracelets and jewelry that then take proceeds and donate it directly to non-profits and other wildlife organizations. Because of this, Green Success Stories is proud to announce it is teaming up with Wildlife Collections.

Wildlife Collections started their mission in 2018, and since have been fortunate to donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to save wildlife. By combining a tangible bracelet and interactive tracking experience, their goal is to educate customers about wildlife and excite them about conservation.

Nearly all species of sea turtles are classified as endangered, and Wildlife Collections is doing everything they can to change that. They partnered with the Sea Turtle Conservancy in 2019 to launch The Journey Bracelet, and donate 10% of net profits to their incredible mission.

In 2020, Wildlife Collections joined forces with Save the Elephants to launch The Expedition Bracelet, allowing customers to track a wild elephant. 10% of net profits are donated to Save the Elephants in Kenya, which specializes in elephant research and works to protect wild elephants. Your purchase will help fight ivory poaching, and secure a future for elephants in a rapidly changing world.

First, we wanted to learn for ourselves. Are they legit?

There are many websites that falsely claim to be able to help save wildlife if you purchase from them, so be cautious from where you purchase from. Wildlife Collections has official partnerships with the Sea Turtle Conservancy, Orca Research Trust, and Save the Elephants. You can verify these by visiting their partnership pages on their website; just keep scrolling until you see Wildlife Collection’s name and logo.

How much money have you raised to save Wildlife?

Through its partnerships, in 2020 they donated $362,784 to various wildlife organizations. Wildlife Collections raised $237,636 for the Sea Turtle Conservancy, $8,111 for the Orca Research Trust, and $101,720 for Save The Elephants. In November 2020, Wildlife Collections began their partnership with Polar Bears International and raised $10,297. 

If you are interested in buying a bracelet, use the promo code “GREENORG” to get 20% off of your purchase.

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