Green.org sat down with John Ward, Chief Marketing Officer of Little Mucho, to learn how they provide marketing, advising, and how they are helping sustainable companies reach their ideal clients.
John, thank you for being here today. Tell us a little bit about your background.
I am an actual CA native but who has lived in 15 different cities in my lifetime. After going to Pepperdine for undergrad and dropping out of grad school, I got into marketing and then digital and e-commerce. Through my career I ended up in fashion and have worked with a variety of recognized global brands. Some of these brands are sustainable focused and as an outdoor enthusiast growing up mostly in CA, I have come to increasingly integrate sustainable focused philosophies in my life.

What would you do with $1 billion dollars?
Oh, there is probably too much and the $ 1 billion would go surprisingly fast. I would certainly incubate a number of business ideas that need funding, donate to clean-up causes, food and housing needs and sustainable home design building at scale.
Why do you think sustainability is such an important topic today?
As time marches on, so does the degradation of our planet. The more information and communication platforms we have now have made this increasingly obvious. Much of our overall apathy to this topic is wearing off as more and more people become increasingly intolerant of previous behaviors. It seems more people are willing to do the work, make the sacrifices, and boycott the corporations that don’t comply or worse, lie. There is a long long way to go still and much to do.
What do you envision your industry looking like in ten years?
Hopefully, in 10 years there is no longer much of a “sustainable” category as it will just be a part of all common human behavior. It will be nice to see people and corporations take responsibility and this not need to be legislated. Ideally, our food, goods, transportation and communications will become inherently sustainable with no other viable alternatives and we will have begun to reverse the planet’s decline.