Green Success Stories

How To Live A More Sustainable Lifestyle

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on

We have spent the past few years at Green Success Stories speaking with hundreds of leaders in cleantech, renewable energy, and sustainability, all with the goal of learning how to live a more sustainable lifestyle. We have learned a lot over the years, and it is not just making changes to what you drive, or what you purchase, it’s a mentality that you have to implement into all aspects of your life – you have to look at things through a different perspective, and when that happens, the change comes naturally. That change is a good change, it will help you earn more money, it will help you be healthier, and it will help you give back in ways you never thought imaginable. We put together a few simple ways that you can implement changes so that by the end of this article you know how to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

Small Changes Over Big Changes

Knight Campbell, CEO of Cairn Leadership Strategies

Not everyone has the resources to purchase solar panels for their home right away, or buy the newest Tesla, and that’s okay. We all have limitations of what we can do to make changes in our life. Analyze your life and look at what is bothering you and what you can do to change it. Do you dislike your job? Do you spend too much time in traffic? Do you eat too much fast food? Simply by looking at what is causing you the biggest issues in your life you can make small changes to them. When you then can focus on the problems you want to solve, do some research and see what you can do to make changes in a healthy, sustainable way.

If you don’t like your job, maybe it is because you are not being challenged enough, or you are not passionate about the field you are in. Make a change. Take a new course. Rewrite your resume. Apply for new jobs. If you are not eating healthy, research how you can meal prep healthy meals. Not only will that save you time, money, and you’ll be eating healthier, you also save yourself the hassle of figuring out what you want to eat every day. Not getting enough exercise? Go for a 30 minute walk each day. Do 30-minutes of yoga off of a youtube video. All of these changes will help you make your life better, make you happier, and be more sustainable.

Social Life

Yoga is a great way to be healthy, sustainable, and meet new people.

Having an active social life is an important way to living a more sustainable lifestyle. It is proven that hanging out with friends and family improves overall happiness, and there are ways you can do it that saves you money, makes you money, and is environmentally friendly. You can eat at healthy restaurants, you can play a game in the park, you can go for a bike ride. You can do these things so that you are being active and social, and still being environmentally friendly. You can join local social groups based on your interests. You can start your own side hustle or hobby to make additional money.

Educating Yourself

We are firm believers that you should always be educating yourself on a variety of subjects in life. There’s an endless amount of information to learn about, and there are so many amazing resources online to teach you. You can watch Youtube videos, read wikipedia articles, and blogs from specialists. You can take online courses and get certifications on nearly every subject. A quick Google search and you can find all the information you need.

How To Live A More Sustainable Lifestyle

Tune in each week to Green Success Stories where we will continue to share more tips on How To Live A More Sustainable Lifestyle.

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