Green Success Stories

Leading the Way on Coastal Cleanup

Green Success Stories puts Bridgid O’Connell, Marine Science and Technology Fellow at Seaside Sustainability, in the Green Spotlight. We discussed Bridgid’s hands-on educational and community outreach programs to clean up coastlines and enhance aquatic ecosystems, the use of “BlueTech” devices such as the PixieDrone, the building of coalitions toward local and global coastal cleanup, and more.

Tell us a bit about your sustainability journey.

Ever since I was younger, I was always interested in the environment, particularly in preventing the overuse of natural and physical resources so they will be around for future generations. During my senior year of high school, I found my niche in aquatic species when I took an Honors Aquaculture course and raised tilapia in a closed system environment. This led me to attend Massachusetts Maritime Academy, majoring in Marine Science, Safety, and Environmental Protection, and minoring in Marine Biology.

During my junior year of college, I began doing an internship at Seaside Sustainability, a non-profit organization based out of Gloucester, Massachusetts. While reading their website, I was drawn to their mission of creating sustainable oceans and communities through education and action. I interned in the Marine Science and Technology Department, particularly the Marine Science and Education subteam and the Grants/Sponsorships subteam. In these roles, I regularly authored and published monthly blog posts and articles focused on sustainability news. I applied for grants from organizations like the Waitt Foundation, Marine Debris Foundation, and Cabot Family Trust Foundation to support marinas in implementing Blue Technology devices. Additionally, I led the Collec’Thor project, where I served as the main point of contact for both the harbormaster and the supply company. I also coordinated and led meetings, and provided training to interns on the use of the device.

In October of 2023, I was honored with being promoted to the Marine Science and Technology Fellow position. In this role, I lead the Marine Science and Education team, the Blue Technology team, and the Grants and Sponsorships team, regularly overseeing a group of over a dozen interns and department managers. I report to the Executive Director weekly on intern progress and actively support the organization’s hands-on educational and community outreach initiatives. This includes coordinating Company Community Service Cleanups, Community Coastal Cleanups, and in-person internships. I have co-founded the Tackling Rubbish Across Seas and Habitats (T.R.A.S.H) Community Cleanup Program, a worldwide cleanup effort that is set to launch next month, and the Clean Coast Coalition, a collaborative effort between two non-profits aimed at enhancing local aquatic ecosystems through the deployment of “BlueTech” devices, such as the PixieDrone. We also successfully secured a $3,000 grant from The Hooper Fund for the T.R.A.S.H Community Cleanup Program, enabling the purchase of GIS software and reducing costs for program supplies. I plan to continue working at Seaside Sustainability and look forward to being a part of that growth.

Tell us a bit about the product or solution you offer.

The Marine Science and Technology Department offers several products and solutions to connect and make an impact in Massachusetts, including:

1) Company Community Service Cleanups- These are rewarding opportunities for businesses that simultaneously improve teamwork and communication skills while increasing a participant’s sense of stewardship and accomplishment. In exchange for a donation to Seaside’s many programs, we host a company’s cleanup in the community of their choosing. We provide guidance, team-building facilitation, necessary cleanup equipment, and a sense of accomplishment.

2) Community Coastal Cleanups- These efforts are vital for protecting our coastlines and ensuring the health of both marine life and human communities. By tackling plastic pollution, we not only preserve the environment but also strive for a future where our coastlines can be enjoyed without the danger of harmful contaminants. Our cleanups, held on Cape Ann beaches, are open to everyone. This season alone, we’ve hosted seven cleanups, with more on the way, and have already removed over 550 pounds of trash and 50 pounds of rope!

3) Clean Coast Coalition- A partnership between Seaside Sustainability and Keep Massachusetts Beautiful, the Clean Coast Coalition’s goal is to improve local water-based ecosystems through the use of the PixieDrone, which is a remote-controlled aqua-drone that conducts water quality testing, records, and transmits live footage, and filters debris and invasive fauna out of the water to be separated into four categories; trash, compostables, plastics, and other recyclables. Removing this water-based debris creates a safer and more enjoyable environment for marine organisms and humans alike. We will use the PixieDrone to reduce the amount of harmful debris in local waters and to educate the local community about the dangers of litter and marine debris in their environment. We aim to raise awareness and inspire residents to prevent debris from entering local waterways in the first place.

4) T.R.A.S.H Community Service Cleanup- Set to launch next month, Seaside Sustainability’s new “Tackling Rubbish Across Seas & Habitats” (T.R.A.S.H) community cleanup program is an innovative new initiative that brings communities together to take care of their local environment. By committing to regularly cleaning up areas, participants can not only contribute to a cleaner and safer ecosystem but also foster a sense of pride and connection to their neighborhood.

Share a green success story with us – how have you helped customers or other businesses in the fight against climate change?

One green success story that I had the privilege to be a part of was the first Company Community Service Cleanup of the season in April. A wholesaler based in the neighboring town of Manchester called Mariposa reached out to participate. While the company makes its products out of 100% recycled glass and aluminum and recently launched a reforestation program to balance its carbon footprint in Mexico, Mariposa was hoping to start making more of a local impact. During the event, the group of seventeen played several team bonding games, such as “Traffic Jam”, and were able to collect 105 pounds of trash and 6 pounds of rope. The group had a great time, saying that they loved the team building and it was more than they expected, and they all walked away feeling they’d done one more wonderful thing for the planet. I was very excited that this was successful and proud of everyone who participated in the cleanup.

How should readers get in touch with you and/or your organization?

To get in touch with me, please reach out to my personal email, my work email,, or follow me on LinkedIn and search Bridgid O’Connell.

If you are interested in learning about the wonderful programs Seaside Sustainability has to offer, please visit their website at , email or call 978-381-3302.


Many thanks to Bridgid O’Connell and  Seaside Sustainability.

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