Green Success Stories

Pulling Water From Thin Air: Moses West

Moses West, the founder of AWG Contracting sat down with Moses West, the founder of AWG Contracting, to learn how he invented an atmospheric water generator that pulls moisture from the air, condenses it and turns it from gas to liquid. 

Moses, thank you for being here. Tells us about your background.

I am the Founder and owner of AWG Contracting. I combine a very unique background as a prior member of the United States Armed Forces where I was an esteemed member of the 75th Ranger Regiment, the Second Armored Division, the Second Infantry Division, the Seventh Cavalry Regiment and the 101st Airborne Division. The experiences of military deployment provided me with unique appreciation for the value of water and my advanced technical skills, thus propelling me into my lifelong mission of producing the leading edge of the most advanced technology to produce water from air.

AWG Contracting has successfully completed deployments of large AWG Units to Puerto Rico, and recently to Flint, Michigan providing an extremely pure and unlimited source of free water to the residents all on donations. The mission to Puerto Rico was the first time that any technology such as this has even been powered by solar energy. I am currently developing new methods of implementation of the technology to include social responsibility and ownership of local water, food and energy production based around the science of centralized “point specific” water production from the atmosphere. 

Can you tell us more about your technology?

Atmospheric Water Generators produce water from the atmosphere in large quantities in regions with humidity as low as 20%.

The warmer and wetter the region, the higher the content of water evaporation, and the greater production of water.

Water production facilities are constructed to meet the increasing demand for water. For example 30 AWG5000 units can produce over 20 million gallons of water a year based on environmental conditions.

What is your mission for AWG Contracting?

Our mission is driving Social Impact in a global Water Crisis. Through AWG’s Innovative technologies the Moses West Foundation provides sustainable Clean Water solutions around the World.

What is your vision for the technology?

Through Research, Education, and Innovative sustainable Solutions we build capacity and empower communities to thrive Economically, Socially, and Environmentally into the 21st Century.


What is a fun fact about you?

I hitch hiked around the world on military aircraft for 20 years circling the globe 15 times.

Why do you think climate change and sustainability is such an important topic today?

People are needlessly suffering when we have the available solution on hand.

What do you envision your industry looking like 10 years from now?

A multibillion dollar industry that will be located in every corner of the world.

What can the average person do to make a difference?

Educate yourself to the technologies that are available for maintaining a sustainable life.

Moses, thank you for sharing more about your background how you invented an atmospheric water generator that pulls moisture from the air and turns it from gas to liquid. 

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