Green Success Stories

The Surprising Journey from Entrepreneur To Author

Going Green had the chance to learn more about Gay Browne, and her journey from author to entrepreneur.

Who Is Gay Browne?

As Founder and CEO of Greenopia my mission has been to provide easy access to eco-friendly business and products. Borne out of my own health challenges as an asthma sufferer and mother of a child diagnosed with autism-related learning disabilities, Greenopia was launched on Earth Day in 2006 as a print-city guide for Los Angeles. In a short period of time, it grew to an online resource of over 100,000 sustainable, healthful and eco-friendly businesses in 700 cities nationwide.

An activist and Co-Founder of The Regeneration who has worked with and supported organizations that include Waterkeeper Alliance, Women for Women, Kiss the Ground, PS Arts and Friends Of Heritage Preservation, the driving force behind my passion continues to be to help people lead healthier lives in an increasingly toxic world.

The next step on my green journey includes the release of my forthcoming book, How To Live With A Green Heart (April 2019) and evolving Greenopia into an online membership community focused on improving personal environmental health through education, customized consulting and individual support. I’m interested in connecting with like-minded individuals who support environmental health.

When not scanning packaging labels in search of toxic ingredients, you can find me practicing yoga, writing or hiking in the Santa Barbara mountains with my children and dogs.

Living With A Green Heart

In addition to starting Greenopia, Gay wrote Living With A Green Heart, a roadmap for making incremental changes that will not only transform your life, but heal the world we share.

From the home to the office, from the foods we eat to the clothes we wear, it prescribes a set of simple, holistic steps you can take today that will improve your Personal Environmental Health, and help you stop feeling overwhelmed, reduce illness, improve sleep, mood, and focus, and start making a difference. Take a look at Living With A Green Heart to give you a step in the right direction when it comes to living a more environmentally friendly life.

Now Let’s hear about your Journey from Author To Entrepreneur. Tell us about your background:

Founder Greenopia: Green business and services directory; Author Living With A Green Heart.

What caused you to get into your industry?

As asthmatic, I was always careful about quality of my air and then when my son had autism related learning issues, I dug deeper into how the environment affects you and what you can do about it.

What trends are you seeing in your industry?

People are becoming more aware of the toxins in environment. Awareness is good but there’s not a clear path to better health

What is one Action Item for our listeners and viewers to take away from this conversation?

Find out about the toxins in your body either through a blood test or a hair test and get rid of them.

What is a fun fact about you?

I always wear a hat or baseball cap. I especially like cowboy hats.

Where do you see your industry ten years from now?

That health and wellness gains priority status in daily living and it’s respected as a human rights issue. Why should some people have carrots and other people have organic carrots. All carrots should be equally healthy. Same with air, water, clothing, your school, home, your workplace, etc..

Going Green wants to thank Gay for taking the time to share her journey from author to entrepreneur.

Our goal on Going Green is to bring you the latest in green technology advancements, while also giving you action items to takeaway and apply to your life. We focus a lot on energy, transportation, finance, and media. Focusing on sharing the stories from tech entrepreneurs around the world is a priority to us, and we are grateful to be able to share stories about the top tech investors.

Going Green interviews leading experts in cleantech, sustainability, media, finance, and real estate on the Going Green podcast. Tune in and subscribe to the podcast on Apple or Spotify to listen to interviews with leading cleantech and sustainable experts.

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